Should guys shave their armpits? It’s one of those complicated questions with no solid answer.
Ultimately, you can shave your armpits if you want to, but you’re definitely not obliged to do so (unless your doctor suggests otherwise). Similarly, there’s no-one who should be able to tell you not to shave your armpits either. It’s all about weighing the pros and cons.
If you’re looking forward to summer in tank tops and shorts, you might have noticed all the excess hair making an appearance in your outfits. You could just ignore the extra fluff, but around 68% of men in a recent survey said they do trim their armpit hair regularly.
Of the 68%, only a tiny 16% said they’re taming their armpit hair for athletic reasons.
If you’re one of the countless men with hairy armpits out there, maybe it’s time to start asking yourself whether a trim is a good idea.
Ultimately, you can shave your armpits if you want to, but you’re definitely not obliged to do so (unless your doctor suggests otherwise). Similarly, there’s no-one who should be able to tell you not to shave your armpits either. It’s all about weighing the pros and cons.
If you’re looking forward to summer in tank tops and shorts, you might have noticed all the excess hair making an appearance in your outfits. You could just ignore the extra fluff, but around 68% of men in a recent survey said they do trim their armpit hair regularly.
Of the 68%, only a tiny 16% said they’re taming their armpit hair for athletic reasons.
If you’re one of the countless men with hairy armpits out there, maybe it’s time to start asking yourself whether a trim is a good idea.
Do men shave their armpits?
So, do guys shave their armpits?
Overwhelmingly, the answer seems to be “yes”. Or at least, the majority of men are happy with the occasional trip. Ten years ago, you’d probably get a very different answer to this question.
These days, the males of the world are taking a more active approach to looking their best.
Aside from going to the gym regularly to tone up, and investing in the right hair style, we’re also combing, trimming, and dying our beards, spending more on male manicures, and investing in tools to banish unwanted fluff.
There are still guys out there who believe the only way to be “manly” is to go all-natural – and that’s fine. But there isn’t anywhere near as much of a taboo about shaving the male armpit today as there used to be – and we think it’s a good thing.
After all, science can’t define why men have armpit hair in the first place. Why shouldn’t we get rid of these extra follicles if we don’t want them there?

Should a guy shave his armpits?
So, is it normal for guys to shave their armpits? Should we be investing more time in our under-arm grooming routines? Or is it easier to just let it all hang out?
The easiest answer to the question is, “what’s normal?” Our perception of beauty, manliness, and similar concepts varies depending on who you are, and where you are in the world. These days, most men are dabbling with more health and beauty routines than they used to.
You might have even explored the benefits of shaving below the belt.
If man-scaping and nose hair trimming doesn’t bother you – underarm shaving is really no different.
In fact, there might be some benefits to trimming a guy’s armpit hair, like:
Reduced odor
Your armpits don’t smell like the awesome manly musk you hear about in romance novels. While your male armpit hair doesn’t stink on its own, it creates an environment where odor-causing bacteria can thrive and breed, creating a more potent smell.
If you have BO problems already, consider shaving.
Improved athletic performance
There are a lot of men who shave their armpits who also happen to be athletes. Less hair on your body means less stuff to hold you back when you’re running or swimming.
You also don’t have as much risk of chafing when you’re moving if you have no hair to worry about.
Aesthetic appearance
If your hair is reaching Viking braid level under your arms, it’s probably a source of embarrassment from you. At least trimming your hair could make you feel less self-conscious about how your armpits look.
Even if no-one else notices the hair, trimming can give you a confidence boost.
It’s not all sunshine and roses for men who decide to shave their armpits, of course. If you’ve ever shaved anything before, you know there are downsides to this beauty process, starting with skin irritation.
Just like you can get razor burn and bumps on your face, you can also end up with the same problem under your arms.
Guys’ armpit hair can be a lot rougher than they think, leading to tugging and rashes when they shave. If your hair doesn’t grow back correctly, you’ve got the risk of ingrown hairs to worry about too.
If you’re still asking, “should males shave their armpits?” we’d recommend thinking about how well the rest of your body responds to shaving first.
Another reason you might want to avoid shaving is men are supposed to be smelly. Science shows men were designed to create pretty pungent smells from their pits – often to attract females.
Ultimately – this pickup strategy probably won’t work as well today as it did in the days of cavemen.
On the other hand, if most of the people you know where you live don’t shave their pits, you might feel a little uncomfortable being the odd one out. If you’re nervous about being the black sheep, we’d probably recommend starting with a slight trim, rather than going totally bald.

Should a man shave his armpits? Options for beginners
Deciding whether or not to shave your armpit hair is a personal decision. It’s a lot like deciding whether you should shave your face or let your beard grow out. Part of the choice is based on your personal preference – whether you like the idea of having shorter armpit hair or not.
Another portion of your decision is likely to be based on how your hair grows.
If you know whenever you shave the hair on your face, your chest, or anywhere else, it grows back looking patchy and gross, you might prefer to avoid shaving. Similarly, if you tend to have problems with rashes, skin irritation and ingrown hairs, we’d probably advise staying away from the razor.
It’s also worth considering that the extra sweat and bacteria under your armpits can make your chances of discomfort and infection even greater.
For those not ready to go the whole way with armpit shaving, you could always try trimming about of the excess fuzz instead. The Manscaped Electric trimmer can sort out your undercarriage and your armpits at the same time, if you’re so inclined.
You might just use it for those special occasions, like trips to the beach, or date nights.
Quick tips for when you decide to shave
If you’ve decided the answer to “are guys supposed to shave their armpits?” is yes, then good for you! Remember, your hair will grow back if you’re not happy with the results.
If you are comfortable with the idea of shaving your pits, or you think the benefits of shaving outweigh the negative, then there’s nothing stopping you from giving it a try.
A standard razor designed for comfort and maneuverability will be a good investment here. Shaving your armpits can be tricky, and the last thing you want is to end up with a cut in this awkward area.
We also recommend using some shaving gel and post-shave balm to reduce your risk of any unwanted lumps and bumps after shaving. Rashes on your armpits are seriously uncomfortable, and constant scratching isn’t going to look great.
If you’re nervous about shaving, but you do want to remove all the armpit hair, try a hair removal cream instead. You’ll need one specifically designed for men to effectively remove the hair, and you may need to trim a little first.
Follow the instructions carefully here to avoid hair problems.
So, should males shave their armpits?
Ultimately, the answer to “should guys shave their armpits” is simple: it’s up to you.
There are pros and cons to any kind of hair removal, anywhere on your body. It all comes down to deciding whether the benefits outweigh the negatives for you.
If you like the idea of having less of an odor to deal with, and sleeker pits, then shaving could be a good option. You can always start with a trim and work your way up.
If you’re happy with your hair the way it is, then this is fine too.
You do you.
Blitz yourself better!
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Now read these:
—Should you trim your nose hair?
—Reverse your male pattern baldness.
—The ultimate guide to remove ear hair.
—Are shaved armpits attractive?
—The best tips to tame your beard.