If you’re asking ‘what is a smoking fetish?’ and pondering the precise definition of kinky smoking sex, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn more about the unique aspects of the smoking kink, and how to explore your own smoking fetish. Let’s light up and begin…
It’s only in recent years that smoking in movies has become a bit taboo. Prior to 2000, smoking was almost a necessity for any post-sex scenes. Smoking was glamourized, popularized, and set on a pedestal that associated sex with smoking and smoking as the ultimate in sex appeal.
Just because Hollywood dropped the ball in favor of anti-smoking groups doesn’t mean that smoking doesn’t still retain its sexual power in the bedroom.
The smoking fetish is very much a thing and smoking sex now belongs solely to those who are aroused by a cigarette, clinched between red lips, surrounded by a rich, white tobacco mist.
The smoking fetish is a laid-back predilection, more so than almost any other fetish. It’s also a powerful, visual stimulant for those who are glamourized sexually by its imagery.
We’re diving deep into the swirling fog of the smoking fetish to fully divulge this bad-habit kink. Hopefully, your lungs are up for it!

What makes smoking and sex a thing?
It’s known as capnolagnia and there are several psychological mechanisms that unwind at the sight of a sexy woman taking a drag.
- Its visually arousing.
- Past sex and smoking connections.
- Smoking’s association with bad habits.
- The association with oral fixation and fellatio.
- A painful association with BDSM.
Like most fetishes, the smoking kink is one that develops over time and is often a conglomeration of sexual memories that are associated with cigarettes in one form or another. The visual stimulation is derived from those memories and associations, turning even a non-smoker into a smoking fetishist.
For instance, let’s say you date someone for a decent amount of time and she is a smoker. The sex is fantastic and after each and every tussle under the sheets, she fires up a Marlboro.
You may not know it at the time, but you’re psychologically equating fantastic sex with burning cigarettes, the smell of tobacco, and the oral imagery of her lips wrapped around a cigarette butt.
It works both ways as well, with women just as susceptible to the same associations.
Nowadays especially, men find that a woman who smokes has the powerful allure of a woman who is willing to do bad things. This, in turn, conjures up images of a smoke-filled room, with her on her knees in front of you, doing a whole lot more than smoking a cigarette.
For men who are into the submissive lifestyle in the vein of BDSM, a smoking woman is far more intimidating than one who doesn’t.
She could even use her sub as a human ashtray, expanding on the levels of his submissiveness and her total domination over someone only worthy of catching the ashes from the tip of her cherry.
The psychology of smoking sex
A kinky smoking fetish doesn’t just crop up out of nowhere. It’s more than just a jarring and sudden association of sex and a deep drag on a smoke or a marijuana blunt.
The Journal of Health Commerce and Health Education and Behavior made some eye-opening observations in 2002 and 2003, in which they discovered that most smoking and tobacco websites used fit, sexy, and sometimes scantily clad women to market their cigarette brands.
We’ve already mentioned Hollywood’s sexual glamourization of smoking in movies and TV shows and the next, logical leap is to look towards tobacco manufacturers and their marketing campaigns.
You may think that such things would have died down since the early part of the new millennium, especially with the drastic change in both government and public opinions on smoking and the potential health repercussions that come with it.
However, it was revealed in early 2020 that a 25-year-old woman, Brit DiMattia, made up to $1,000 a month as a smoking cam girl by doing nothing more than chain-smoking cigarettes in a series of revealing outfits.
It would seem that the infatuation with smoking and sex has not gone away, but simply faded into the underground world of kinky sex fetishes. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why do I have a smoking fetish?” your answer likely lies in the slow and sometimes subliminal messaging that’s all around us.
What is involved in the smoking kink?
At the end of the day, smoking a cigarette is just smoking a cigarette. Because of that, there’s a level of creativity that comes with indulging wholeheartedly in the smoking sex fetish. There are a number of ways that capnolagnia can blossom in the bedroom.
Here are some common associations with a smoking kink:
- Black Lung fetish (the darker side of the kinky smoking fetish).
- The bad girl appeal.
- The servant aspect.
- The girl next door.
Sure, a good deal of it is all roleplay, but that’s the way of most fetishes so it’s not like the smoking fetish is traipsing off into new and unexplored territory.
The lone exception is what is called the “dark side” of the smoking kink, otherwise known as “Black Lung” and “Lung Damage.” It’s a sub-fetish that is entirely dedicated to self-damage.
The black lung smoking fetish is an all-consuming focus on chain-smoking, coughing, and the sadomasochist setup that involves both men and women being bound and handcuffed, forced to inhale ludicrous amounts of smoke against their will.
That’s the most extreme level of BDSM when it comes to the smoking kink. While we’re on the BDSM side of the capnolagnia bed, the most dominant roleplay involves the man as a sub, serving his smoking mistress in all manner of stimulating and exotic ways.
As a sub, the man is responsible for holding the ashtray, selecting and lighting the cigarette, meekly allowing her to blow smoke in his face, genitals, and ass, forcibly exchanging smoke from her lungs to his, and the list goes on.
Fortunately, the entire smoking fetish doesn’t revolve around being a servile, meaningless minion for a chain-smoking mistress. Part of the appeal of sex while smoking is pretending that you’re boning the girl next door after getting her to smoke her first cigarette.
Or maybe it’s the neighbor’s wife who sneaks over for the occasional cigarette, well away from her prying husband and into your open arms and very open zipper. The point is, the smoking fetish is an open door to just about any type of creative scenario.

The smoking fetish; cigars and joints
From a woman’s perspective, the image of a cigar-smoking male comes with its own level of attraction. Smoking a cigar is symbological of more than just sex. It represents power, self-confidence, and wealth.
For those who lust over all of the above, smoking cigars can be a powerful sexual attractant. Cigars aren’t cheap, so women don’t see an average, down-on-his-luck man. It also conveys a level of self-confidence, both from the woman’s point of view and the man’s.
Then there is cannabis. We couldn’t make our way through an article that’s rife with smoking during sex, smoking kinks, BDSM, and so much more without arriving at marijuana. As tobacco is waning in popularity, marijuana is waxing.
It’s also gaining ground in the legal arena and as such is finding its way more and more into the smoking kink.
A study from The Journal of Sexual Medicine, published in 2019, concluded that the majority of those questioned admitted that marijuana increased their levels of relaxation, sense of touch, and emotional resonance, with a majority claiming that their desire for sex also increased.
That’s an advantage that tobacco smoking, in all of its myriad forms, simply cannot match. Not to mention that the bad boy/bad girl aspect is likely increased with a joint, rather than a cigarette.
The dangers of the smoking fetish
The health risks from smoking – once a subtle and whispered topic – are now loud and clear as marketing campaign after marketing campaign has voiced with each succeeding version a louder and more boisterous appeal.
Smoking causes cancer. It causes COPD, stomach cancer, mouth cancer, cancer of the esophagus, lung cancer, emphysema, and on and on the list goes.
Smoking is also linked with erectile dysfunction, an issue that’s already common enough in men who are in the twilight stage of their middle years.
So why do people engage in their smoking fetish with such a known and scientifically confirmed result?
Well, people still have choices and many choose to smoke. What better way to indulge in your wildest smoking fantasies than if you are already a smoker?
Of course, you can always fake it. Many smoking fetish aficionados prefer to engage in their play by smoking without actually inhaling the smoke. It’s one way of having your cake and eating it too.
There is still second-hand smoke to deal with, but it’s better than burning through a pack of cigarettes just to play out a kinky sex fetish.
Final thoughts on the kinky smoking fetish
The smoking fetish has survived a large and methodical campaign against cigarettes that has arguably done more for revealing the disastrous health implications of smoking, than anything else before it.
Not only has it survived, but it’s also thriving, predominately based on the idea that smoking exhibits that darker, sexual side of people. Despite the negative stigma of its physiological and sociological aspects, the smoking fetish is here to stay.
Blitz yourself better!
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